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Heales monthly newsletter. The death of death N°188. December 2024. Eroom’s Law and Moore’s Law

“It’s less that there are strong arguments why death is good,” he argues, “but what I call palliative philosophy: death is inevitable, we want convincing reasons as to why that’s good, so we create them. In fact, we spend vast amounts globally on healthcare and medical research.” It makes up 10% of global economic activity. “Modern medicine is really the practice of trying to keep death at bay. But we haven’t yet acknowledged or agreed – as a society – that the end goal of medical research is actually to eliminate disease completely. Dr Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston, neuroscientist, The Guardian, December 1st, 2024.

This month’s theme:  Eroom’s Law and Moore’s Law

What is Moore’s law (conjecture)? Is it still holding?

Moore’s law was formulated by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, in 1965. He posits that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every two years, leading to a corresponding increase in computing power and a decrease in relative cost. This exponential growth has been a fundamental driver of the rapid advancement in electronic and computing technologies over the past several decades. The consistent doubling of transistors has created smaller, more powerful, and cost-effective computing devices, spurring innovation and productivity across multiple sectors. However, maintaining the pace predicted by Moore’s Law has become increasingly challenging due to physical and economic limitations. 

Moore’s Law is not a law. It is an observation and became a rule for the industry. It has influenced strategic planning and research and development efforts within the technology industry, shaping the direction and focus of innovation.  Despite the challenges in maintaining its pace, Moore’s Law remains a cornerstone of technological progress. Its impact on the evolution of computing and electronics continues to be profound, ensuring that the principles of rapid improvement and cost reduction remain integral to the industry’s advancement. The end of the law has been announced in the past and is still announced. The general concept of exponential growth of technological capacities is also popular in other fields. Some longevists used it to announce « exponential » progress in longevity. For example, Ray Kurzwzeil announced In the Age of Spiritual Machines (1999), Kurzweil predicted that the life expectancy would reach about 100 in 2019.  Sadly, until now, the trend has not been the same for longevity. And for the pace of healthcare therapies, we see a disappointing evolution.

Eroom’s Law

Eroom’s Law, named by ironically reversing the name « Moore, » is a concept in pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) that highlights the increasing inefficiency and costliness of drug (and therapies) discovery over time. Unlike Moore’s Law, which observes the exponential improvement in computing power, Eroom’s Law points to a trend where the number of new drugs approved per billion dollars spent on R&D has halved approximately every nine years since the 1950s. It is now estimated that the total cost of the creation of a new drug reaches an astronomical amount of 2 billion dollars.

Eroom’s Law was described by Jack W. Scannell and colleagues in a 2012 paper in Science. They documented the declining productivity in drug R&D despite technological advancements and increased investments. They noted that while the investment in R&D has grown exponentially, the output in terms of new drug approvals has not kept pace, leading to a paradoxical decline in productivity. What is causing this?

  1. The « Better than the Beatles » Problem refers to the increasing difficulty of surpassing the therapeutic effectiveness of existing drugs. As more effective treatments are developed, new drugs must demonstrate significant improvements over these high benchmarks, discovering truly novel and superior treatments more challenging. It is also said that « low-hanging fruits are plugged first ». 
  2. Regulatory requirements have become more stringent over time, aiming to ensure drug safety and efficacy. While this improves patient safety, it also increases the time, cost, and complexity of bringing a new drug to market. The demand for extensive clinical trials and post-market surveillance contributes to higher R&D costs. Pharmaceutical companies often increase R&D budgets in response to declining productivity. However, this can lead to diminishing returns. There has also been a shift towards high-throughput screening and other brute-force methods in drug discovery. This focus on quantity over quality can dilute efforts and resources. 
  3. « Regulatory Ratchet ». Over time, regulations tend to become more stringent. Each safety issue or scandal leads to new regulations, which accumulate and increase the burden on R&D processes. There is a radical disproportion between the wide attention to negative consequences of the testing of new therapies and the limited attention to lost lives because of the slowness of medical research. One of the reasons is that a victim of a clinical trial is generally a healthy person and always a person benefiting from higher attention. And a victim of a medical mistake is a well-defined person while the victims of non-discoveries will remain unknown.
  4. The growth of bureaucracy, for-profit industry, and legal complexity. Time dedicated to research in the research sector is diminishing constantly. When you follow the information about longevity research, you will see more claims of new patents than claims of new therapies, more announcements of the creation of start-ups than announcements of new drugs, more demands for new funding than offers for new posts of researchers… Maybe the most disastrous situation is the multiplication of litigations and lawyers opportunities. The goal is seldom to save lives, but almost always to prove that somebody has to pay somebody else for a medical reason and, of course, to pay the lawyers (and the ever-growing services related) who “demonstrated” the situation.

Eroom’s law has significant implications for longevity research. The declining productivity may deter public and private investment in innovative therapy research. 

How to accelerate the finding (and approval) of new therapies? Will AI Beat The Eroom’s Law?

Addressing Eroom’s Law requires multifaceted strategies: 

  • Streamlining regulatory processes and adopting adaptive regulatory frameworks can help balance safety with innovation. 
  • Leveraging advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data can enhance predictive accuracy and streamline drug discovery. 
  • Partnerships between academia, industry, and regulatory bodies to facilitate knowledge sharing and reduce duplication of efforts must be encouraged. This includes:
  1. The publication of « negative » results
  2. Less bureaucracy
  3. Fewer patents and more open results
  4. More researchers, and fewer lawyers

One key question is -of course- how fast medical AI will accelerate research for healthy longevity. It depends on how much AI will be a priority for human longevity. In the domain of artificial intelligence (and increasingly artificial general intelligence), we live in times, that are fascinating, but that can be dangerous. Safe AI and medical longevity research are not directly related. However, making healthy resilience a common goal for the development of AI is a part of proactive work towards a better and more secure world.

The interesting news of the month: Startling nominations announced in the new US administration

You may not like the newly elected president of the USA. However, concerning health, his presidency could bring interesting evolutions. The announced Secretary of Health Robert Kennedy is a very controversial person having positions that do not conform to recognized scientific views. But the chosen No. 2, future Deputy Secretary of Health will be Jim O’Neill. He is a long-time longevist and was CEO of the longevity organization SENS Research Foundation. 

Even more important is the announced nomination of Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. for a radical simplification of administrations through a new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). FDA included. Musk and Ramaswamy have radical views in many domains, including concerning scientific research. It remains to be seen if the general trend will be a destructive or a regenerative one.

For more information

Heales monthly newsletter. The death of death N°187. November 2024. Fluid System and Aging

Jean-Charles Samuelian-Werve, 38, co-founder and CEO (of neoinsurance startup Alan), says without batting an eyelid that he “wants to revolutionize healthcare, so that everyone can live better, up to the age of 100”. Le Soir 4 november 2024

This month’s theme: Fluid System and Aging

Our body is first made of water, but the body water percentage decreases with age. Water is, of course, present in the fluids composing the body. The human fluid system, encompassing blood, lymph, and other bodily fluids, is crucial in maintaining homeostasis and overall health. As we age, several changes occur in these systems that will impact our health and well-being. Here’s an overview of how the passing of time affects the human fluid system: 

Blood Hemostasis and Coagulation 

Increased Clotting Risk: Aging is associated with changes in the blood coagulation system, leading to an increased risk of thrombosis. This is due to higher levels of clotting factors and decreased natural anticoagulants. A study shows that cardiovascular risk factors can have different implications in the oldest old than in young adults. For example, high total cholesterol levels are linked to increased longevity because they are associated with lower mortality from cancer and infection.

Delayed Healing: Wound healing becomes slower in older adults due to impaired hemostasis and reduced cellular response. The incidence of chronic wounds increases with age, significantly affecting the quality of life in older adults. However, the underlying biology of chronic wounds and the effects of age-related changes on wound healing are poorly understood. Most research has relied on in vitro methods and various animal models, but the findings often need to be translated better into human healing conditions. One of the reasons for this situation is that older adults are usually excluded from randomized clinical trials, leading to a need for more data.


Arterial Stiffness: Arteries become stiffer with age, increasing blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular diseases. As we get older, our large arteries undergo several consistent changes. The inside of the arteries becomes wider, the walls become thicker, and the arteries become less elastic. This happens because the constant pulsing of blood through these arteries over many years wears out and damages the elastic fibers in the artery walls. Additionally, older arteries tend to accumulate more calcium and the inner lining of the arteries (endothelium) doesn’t work as well. These changes cause blood to travel faster through the arteries, leading to higher systolic blood pressure (the top number in a blood pressure reading) and a greater difference between systolic and diastolic pressure (pulse pressure). 

The heart’s ability to pump blood efficiently decreases with age, leading to reduced cardiac output and circulation. Other health problems like high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes worsen these age-related changes in the arteries. Aging arteries increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), coronary artery disease, stroke, and heart failure. Managing high blood pressure and other risk factors can help slow down or reduce these changes in the arteries, improving overall heart health. 

Lymphatic System 

Impaired immune response decreased lymphocyte production: One of the most notable signs of an aging immune system is a significant decrease in the number of naïve lymphocytes (white blood cells) in the blood. This decline occurs continuously as age advances, mainly due to reduced thymic output after puberty and inadequate peripheral maintenance. Lymphatic flow can slow down, reducing the efficiency of toxin and waste removal from tissues. Aging is an independent risk factor for the occurrence of some lymphatic-associated diseases. Lymphatic senescence, an important contributor to organ deterioration and failure, is associated with alterations in lymphatic structure and function, inflammatory and immune responses, as well as effects of chronic ultraviolet light exposure and oxidative stress. 

Other Bodily Fluids 

Interstitial Fluid Edema: Aging can lead to fluid retention and edema, especially in the lower extremities, due to reduced mobility and changes in blood and lymphatic vessel function. Edema, characterized by fluid trapped in the body’s tissues causing swelling, is common in the elderly and can significantly impact their quality of life. It often affects the arms, legs, hands, and feet, and can be caused by factors like physical inactivity, high salt intake, prolonged sitting, certain medications, and underlying health conditions such as heart, liver, or kidney disease. Recognizing symptoms like swelling, puffiness, aching joints, and decreased urine production is crucial. Edema can lead to serious complications if left untreated, including infections and blood clots. Proper management involves addressing the underlying causes, dietary adjustments, promoting physical activity, and possibly medical treatments like diuretics.

Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Dynamics: The production and flow of cerebrospinal fluid changes with age, potentially affecting brain function and contributing to conditions like hydrocephalus. Studies have shown that aging increases the levels of many proteins in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). As we age, the turnover of CSF slows down, which causes protein levels to rise due to concentration effects rather than specific diseases. 

Possible new therapies and treatments

For thousands of years, bloodletting was thought to be a way to cure many if not most diseases. For decades, we also used the circulatory system to inject drugs and products into the body.

Recent advancements in understanding defects in the human fluid system, including lymphatic and vascular issues, have led to several promising therapies. Therapies promoting angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, like those targeting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), help improve fluid drainage. Advanced diuretics and nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems enhance treatment efficacy and reduce side effects.  Regenerative medicine, including tissue engineering and biomaterials, aims to restore fluid system function. Pharmacological chaperones and minimally invasive surgeries, such as lymphaticovenular anastomosis (LVA), provide additional solutions. 

Maybe the most promising research concerns the glymphatic drainage of cerebrospinal fluid that could slow down Alzheimer’s disease.

Together, these therapies hold promise for better managing fluid system disorders. Since fluids are everywhere in our bodies, new therapies could improve the whole patient’s quality of life and health.

The good news of the month: The progress of the European Health Data Space and a Declaration for sharing health data

The European Union is creating a “European Health Data Space” (EHDS) where scientists will be able to use health data for research. This work is extremely useful, but sadly extremely slow. And only really available data saves lives! In Brussels, the participants of the Eurosymposium on Healthy Ageing adopted a Declaration of Sharing Health Data and using AI for Healthy Longevity insisting on accelerating progress.

For more information

Heales Monthly Newsletter. The death of death N°179. March 2024. Questions related to the sharing of health data for longevity

Age reversal works in primates to restore vision. Next up: age reversal in humans.

-David Sinclair (see also Good News of the Month below). Source.

This month’s theme: Questions related to the sharing of health data for longevity


We have decades of health data for billions of people. We have also data on smartphones and wearables about the activities of hundreds of millions of citizens. We could potentially see almost in real time what of are the effects of all the drugs used in many countries to cure and prevent diseases related to old age. We could see the effects of drugs combined, constant if new diseases appear or on the contrary, if patients are going better, see if people have more or less physical activities.

However, for this to be possible, we need not only data but data that we can access. At the moment, we have situations where we overuse some data and do not use most other data. The principal obstacles are questions related to privacy, private interests to keep data available only to a few, and curation. In this newsletter, we will not approach questions related to the « property » of data.

Questions related to privacy.

There are two main ways to respect privacy before sharing health data: anonymization and pseudonymization.

Anonymization is the process of removing or altering personal or identifiable information from data so that the individuals to whom the data pertains cannot be readily identified. In simpler terms, it’s a way to hide someone’s identity in a dataset. In this process, theoretically, there is no way back, once the data is anonymized, one cannot anymore know who was the person with the information.

Pseudonymization is the technique used to replace or encrypt personally identifiable information in data with artificial identifiers, or pseudonyms. These pseudonyms allow the data to be used for analysis or other purposes while still protecting the identity of the individuals involved. It’s like giving each person in a dataset a fake name or code to protect their real identity. In this process, theoretically, you can find the information back (by replacing again the pseudonyms with the real names).

Anonymization is better for privacy but less good for research. Because for research, sometimes you need to find out more about the subjects of the experiment after the experiment is started. And anonymization makes it impossible to find more.

Of course, in any situation, it is also important to remember concerning privacy for health data that:

  • It must be prohibited for researchers to use data for other goals than for research.
  • Access to data has to be registered and kept for a long period so that potential users know they risk being in trouble for an illegitimate use even if this misuse is detected after a long time.


Health data curation refers to selecting, organizing, and managing health-related data to ensure its accuracy, relevance, and accessibility for healthcare professionals and researchers. Health data curation aims to improve the quality and usefulness of health data for analysis, research, diagnosis, treatment, and public health initiatives. We need institutions like Data Curation Centres (DCC)

Here are some examples of data curation in action:

  • Data Acquisition: This phase entails the careful selection and procurement of data from a multitude of origins, spanning databases, online platforms, and other digital repositories and from a multitude of sorts: electronic health records, medical imaging, clinical trials, and wearable devices. It also involves vetting the data to ensure its reliability and suitability for the intended purpose. 
  • Data Cleansing and Transformation: This step focuses on purging and reshaping data to enhance its utility. It involves eliminating redundant entries, rectifying inaccuracies, and standardizing data formats to facilitate analysis. 
  • Data Organization: Data has to be methodically arranged into logical groupings, be it by chronological order, classification, or source attribution. Such an organization streamlines data retrieval, utilization, and analysis. 
  • Data Accessibility: Making data readily accessible to users is paramount. This can be achieved through user-friendly interfaces, web-based tools, or Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), enabling seamless data retrieval and exploration. 
  • Data Preservation: Ensuring data longevity involves regular backups, archival procedures, and stringent security measures to safeguard against unauthorized access or loss. 

Synthetic Data: A solution for privacy? 

Synthetic data is information that is artificially manufactured and not generated by real-world events. It could be a solution to avoid privacy questions and permit better health research. However:

  • Since health synthetic data is generated based on real data, some specialists consider that they still can be considered personal data.
  • Since synthetic health data is generated based on already known information and hypotheses, it can be that it is not showing what real health data will show (synthetic data will not include « surprising » data).


The European Health Data Space (EHDS) is a specialized ecosystem designed to enhance the management of health data within the European Union. It encompasses regulations, standard practices, infrastructure, and governance to achieve several key objectives: 

  • Empowering individuals by granting them greater digital access to and control over their health data, both nationally and across the EU. 
  • Cultivating a unified solution for electronic health record systems, pertinent medical devices, and high-risk AI systems. 
  • Establishing a reliable and efficient framework for utilizing health data in research, innovation, policy-making, and regulatory activities (known as secondary data use). 

EHDS stands as a crucial component of the broader European Health Union initiative. It builds upon existing regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The goal is to strengthen the European Health Union, ensuring that member states are equipped to address health crises effectively, have access to affordable and innovative medical resources, and collaborate to enhance disease prevention, treatment, and post-care.

Examples of how the EHDS will function

Example 1: A woman living in Portugal is going on holiday to France. She gets sick in France and needs to see a local general practitioner. Thanks to the EHDS and MyHealth@EU, a doctor in France will see on his/her computer the medical history of this patient in French. The doctor can prescribe the necessary medicine based on the medical history of the patient, avoiding for instance products to which the patient is allergic.

Example 2: A health tech company is developing a new AI-based medical decision support tool that assists doctors in making diagnostic and treatment decisions following a review of the patient’s laboratory images. The AI compares the patient’s images with those of many other previous patients. Through the EHDS, the company can have efficient and secure access to a large number of medical images to train the AI algorithm and optimize its accuracy and effectiveness before seeking market approval.

Health Data Hub example

France possesses a substantial and well-structured data repository, which presents an international competitive advantage for research and innovation. However, accessing this data for projects of public interest has historically posed significant challenges. 

In response to these challenges, the Health Data Hub was established as a public entity. Its primary goal is to facilitate access for project coordinators to non-identifiable data hosted on a secure platform, in full compliance with regulations and citizens’ rights. This platform enables the cross-referencing and analysis of data to enhance the quality of care and patient support.


Some perspectivists say « Data is the new oil« . We could also say « Health Data is the new penicillin » (or even more than that). Contrary to oil, (curated) health data are complicated to use not because of natural obstacles, but because of a lack of goodwill and good laws to share it, Contrary to oil, the more we use (curated) health data, the more it can be useful. It could become a precious common good. 

Health Data is one of the keys to healthy longevity. We need it to measure progress, to understand health dangers (pollution, new diseases…), to accomplish clinical trials, and to make us more human.

The good news of the month: Gene therapies and rejuvenation.

Californian researchers declared that gene therapy-mediated partial reprogramming extends lifespan in aged  (wild-type) mice. And the progress announced is important (even if only about the remaining lifespan of already quite old mice). The inducible OSK system, in those 2 old years male mice extends the median remaining lifespan by 109% over wild-type controls. 

The abbreviation OSK is used for the expression of three Yamanaka factors, Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4.

Life Biosciences (Life Bio) and David Sinclair announced tests in nonhuman primates with a new gene therapy that uses a partial epigenetic reprogramming approach to restore visual function. It is affirmed that when eyes were treated with OSK after laser damage, it significantly restored pERG responses compared to controls, consistent with restoration of vision. This is very promising even if It was not tested in old (sick) primates but on healthy subjects.

For more information

Sharing Health Data and AI Insights for Longevity in Europe and Around the World Thursday, February 29th, 2024, 5 to 9 PM CET)

Key Topics:

Navigating Big Data, thanks to AI, especially Open AI
Discussing projects and perspectives for the best ways of sharing and curating health data

Conference Details:

Date: Thursday, February 29th, 2024
Time: 5 to 9 PM CET (11 AM to 3 PM EST)
Location: Online –
Theme: AI, Big Data, and Longevity

Conference Program:

Date: 29/02

Time: 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM CET

Chair: Martin Lipovšek

5:00 PM – 5:10 PM: Opening Remarks by Martin Lipovšek

5:10 PM – 5:30 PM: Anton Kulaga

Topic: General explanation about Longevity GPT

5:30 PM – 5:50 PM: Georg Fuellen

Topic: Evaluating Geroscience-based Interventions by AI, which methods to choose?

5:50 PM – 6:10 PM: Marianne Benderra

Topic: General presentation of Health Data Hub (HDH) and European projects on sharing health data

6:10 PM – 6:30 PM: Didier Coeurnelle

Topic: How to Better Share and Use Health Data for Healthy Longevity

6:30 PM – 6:50 PM: Agbolade Omowole

Topic: Situation outside of Europe: Nigeria and other African countries

6:50 PM – 7:10 PM: Jakir Masud

Topic: Situation outside of Europe: USA: better or worse sharing?

7:10 PM – 7:30 PM: Dr Isabelle de Zegher, Vice-Chair, Steering Committee MyData

Topic: Health Data Intermediaries. Integrated personal health record  at the core of a human-centric health ecosystem, benefiting all stakeholders

7:30 PM – 7:50 PM: Hans Constandt

Topic: Data sharing in Belgium, connection with Europe and FAIR health data

7:50 PM- 8:10 PM: Stefan Sorgner

Topic: Comprehensive Collection of Personalized Digital Data: A Pragmatic Need for Extending the Healthspan

8:10 PM – 8:30 PM: Audience Q&A

8:30 PM – 8:50 PM: Closing Remarks by Martin Lipovšek