The Death of Death : Previous Issues

Previous issues for the newsletter are available here as PDF documents.

Should you desire to subscribe, send us an e-mail saying so at  .

                                                                    Issues 2024

  • June: Longevity and the Digestive System
  • May: Our organs do not all age at the same rate
  • April: Organ-on-a-chip
  • March: Questions related to the sharing of health data for
  • February: Reproductive systems and longevity.
  • January: Different lifespans of animals: Very long, very short, in the real world and the labs

Issues 2023

  • December: A Review of Longevity News
  • November: Is Ultra-processed food (UPF) causing accelerated aging?
  • October: Naked mole rats
  • September: Recent longevity conferences
  • August: Decrease in life expectancy. After the Covid-19, (when) will the rebound come?
  • July: How longevitists could share their health and research data
  • June: Longevity, Blue Zones, and Adapted Housing
  • May– Declining Immunity in Older Population
  • March-April: Organizations for Healthy Longevity
  • February: Neurodegenerative Diseases and Aging
  • January: Anti-aging interventions on Mice, ITP, and LEV Foundation

Issues 2022

  • December: 2022: A Review of Longevity News
  • November: Frequently Asked Questions about Healthy Longevity
  • October: Aging in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
  • September: digital twins for resilience and longevity.
  • August: Effects of aging on the bone system.
  • July: Nanomedicine in aging.
  • June: Immune system and longevity.
  • May: Happiness and Longevity.
  • April:   Self-experimentation and Longevity.
  • March: Breathing and Longevity.
  • February: Massive Health Data and Longevity. European developments.
  • January: Sarcopenia and Longevity.

Issues 2021

  • December: If humans didn’t die of old age, would we regret it?
  • November: Recent developments in gene therapies for longevity.
  • October: The Terror Management Theory.
  • September: Microbiome and healthy longevity.
  • August: Longevity and Altruism.
  • July: Biomarkers and longevity.
  • June: Longevity records of living organisms.
  • May: Regeneration.
  • April: Secrets of longevity of blue zones.
  • March: Fertility, longevity and menopause.
  • February: Longevity, amortality, transhumanism, technoprogressism.
  • January: Will something that doesn’t kill you make you stronger?

Issues 2020

  • December: Cosmetics and Longevity.
  • November: Clinical testing and Longevity.
  • October: The most well-known longevitists.
  • September: Sharing health data and Longevity.
  • August: Overpopulation and Longevity.
  • July: Blood and Rejuvenation.
  • June: Therapeutic Approaches: Covid-19 and Aging.
  • May: Not all longevities are progressing.
  • April: Positive Longevity in Stories.
  • March: Coronavirus and Longevity.
  • February: Youth and Longevity.
  • January: Longevity and Statistics.

Issues 2019

Issues 2018

  • December: When life suspends its flight.
  • November: Some social and cultural perspectives on rejuvenation therapies.
  • October: Senolytics.
  • September: For an international longevity station.
  • August: On the influence of one thousandth of our body mass one aging.
  • July: Longevity and generosity.
  • June:  The Gompertz curve and aging.
  • May: The side effects of a much longer life in good health.
  • April: Is your number always going to be up beyond age 115?
  • March: Artificial intelligence for longevity.
  • February: The genes of longevity.

Science for Longer and Healthier Lives