Membership and Support

You can support Heales by:

  1. becoming a member
  2. donating
  3. becoming a volunteer (write articles or blog posts, spread the word about biogerontology, co-organise events, …)
  4. make your own suggestion(s)!

Want to become a member?

4 reasons why you should become a Heales member:

  1. With your contribution you support scientific research into aging.
  2. You help us to inform other people about life extension and research into aging.
  3. We keep you informed about news on life extension and aging (you will receive a newsletter every 2 months & news alerts).
  4. You enjoy a discount on activities organised by Heales, like lectures, congresses and concerts.

Annual fee: only € 25  Bank account of Heales IBAN number BE46 00 15 8482 8436 from BNP PARIBAS FORTIS (BIC: GEBABEB).


If urgent:

Didier Coeurnelle (phone : +32 489 43 55 94)

Science for Longer and Healthier Lives