Welcome to the website of HEALES, Healthy Life Extension Society!

Heales is an organization that informs and raises awareness about technological and medical developments in the field of biogerontology. We promote and support anti-aging research.

Our objective is to open up debates in order to warn the public, to question decision-makers and to propose a reassuring ethical framework around all these questions, raised by the movement that can be described as « longevity ».

This site aims to keep you informed of the association’s events and projects as well as advances in the field of science for the extension of life in good health.

News :

  • Our co-chair, Didier Coeurnelle, has donated to the LEV Foundation, supporting the next phase of the Robust Mouse Rejuvenation research program.
  • 7th Eurosymposium on Heathy Ageing: Friday, November 22nd, and Saturday, November 23rd 2024,   « Sharing Health Data and AI Insights for Longevity in Europe » (Informal part Thursday 21: Evening Dinner and Sunday 24: Morning Lunch) .
    This event will bring together industry professionals, researchers, and policymakers to explore innovative approaches and strategies that leverage data and AI. Your participation will inspire meaningful dialogue and drive the conversation on how Europe can use health data, European Health Data Space, and AI for the benefit of all.
    The ultimate goal is to enable everyone to live a longer and healthier life. In Brussels and online : 
  • On Thursday February 29, 2024, Heales organized a conference Sharing Health Data and AI Insights for Longevity in Europe and Around the World. The video of conference is available here. The declaration adopted during the conference is available here.
  • We invite you to sign the Dublin Longevity Declaration at :                                                         summary :

    An increase in healthy lifespans, through much better treatment of age-related diseases (dementia, heart disease, cancer, frailty, and many more), would deliver extraordinary benefits – including savings of literally trillions of dollars per year in healthcare costs.

    Here, dozens of world-leading experts declare that such an advance is now potentially within reach, by targeting the underlying processes of aging, and that efforts to achieve it should be immediately and greatly expanded.

  • 6th Eurosymposium on Healthy Ageing (EHA). This meeting was held online on Friday 25th and Saturday 26th November 2022. The adopted text can be found here. All the talks from the EHA are available here.
  • We organize conferences and activities on health data sharing. You can view the conference « Big Data, A.I. and Healthy Longevity. How to progress faster and better? » (September 9, 2021). Here is a text written by Didier Coeurnelle: « Right to health and duty to share health information« .
  • Heales supports two studies on the rejuvenation of elderly rats through transfusions. The maximum longevity thanks to these treatments will be measured for the first time. One is conducted by Professor Rodolfo Goya in Argentina and the other by Professor Harold Katcher in India.
  • 11th February 2021. Conference on “Clarifying whether and to what degree the current anti-aging approaches work in mice or people».  Here is the link of the videos and a summary of the comments and proposals made during the workshops.
  • Eurosymposium on Healthy Ageing (EHA) on the 1st October 2020 was a great success. The video of this event is here. The next EHA should be in October 2022.
  • Covid-19: International Longevity Alliance support for more open, timely and effective pandemic research.

The association publishes a monthly newsletter: « The Death of Death ». All issues are available online. Subscribe to our newsletter.

At each monthly meeting of Heales, Sven Bulterijs reports on the scientific news of the month. You can consult them by following this link.

Every day around 120,000 people die of the effects of diseases related to aging. Aging is responsible for 90% of deaths in the most economically advanced countries and 2/3 of deaths worldwide.

Aging doesn’t just cause innumerable deaths, it is also the source of many debilitating illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular diseases, muscular atrophy, decline of vision and hearing, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis …

The only way to prevent these illnesses linked to aging is to attack the principal cause – aging itself. It is time to start working toward solutions to this universal human tragedy.

According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Gaining years of healthy life beyond the first 80 years of life will certainly require complex research, including: gene therapy, nanotechnology, innovative products and microsurgery.

A paradigm shift on the part of public authorities is to be hoped for and encouraged. When decision-makers perceive that ending all age-related diseases is a feasible goal, they can make it a priority.

Every 1st Sunday of the month from 4 pm, we have a meeting online. Contact us at if you want to take part.

For more information :

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Science for Longer and Healthier Lives